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Treated Unfairly?
Feeling Helpless?

Tom Enright is ready to Enforce Your Employee Rights.

Whistleblower Claims and Retaliation

Whistleblower Claims and Retaliation

Employers, like everyone else, must play by the rules. If your employer is engaging in unlawful conduct, you are protected from punishment if you alert authorities or your boss of those activities. Enright Law can ensure that retaliation taken against you for blowing the whistle on your employer is punished and remedied.

Retaliation and whistleblower claims are not one size fits all. The type of unlawful act taken by your employer and the nature of the retaliation against you for blowing the whistle on them will determine under which law we need to proceed. For example, an employer may not retaliate against you for seeking wages to which you are entitled or for attempting to exercise legally protected medical leave. An employer cannot terminate you for complaining about workplace health and safety issues or for participating in an investigation against the company. While each of these actions constitutes protected conduct, the manner in which you may proceed to enforce your employee rights varies greatly on the nature of the conduct at issue.

Rest assured that if you want to blow the whistle, or already have and faced negative employment consequences, Enright Law will help you through the process and will, if necessary, enforce your employee rights and remedy any damages you have suffered.